Video to promote Oshibori and Dynasty Restaurants – Dundee

“Oshibori, Japanese fine dining including freshly made Sushi and Ramen cuisine. Dynasty Restaurant - Luxury fine dining and banquet venue and Hi-tea room.”
What We Did
We recommended to Oshibori and Dynasty, two restaurants managed by the same proprietor, that they go for a more urban feel for their annual valentines marketing video. V&A Dundee, the Scottish museum of design, opens in September 2018 and the city of Dundee has had some recent promotion in national and international publications such as GQ Magazine, CNN and the Wall Street Journal.
Son of the Sea created a suite of 12 films for Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design and a further collection for the University of Dundee, all of which celebrated life as a student in the city of Dundee and the idea of Dundee as a destination.
With this video I wanted to show the connection between the two restaurants and both the city in which they are based and the surrounding area around Dundee. The city is described as being about and hour to an hour and a half away from most of Scotland.

Author: Dylan Drummond
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