VIDEO SCRIPT IDEAS – these suggested structures will  shape the script for your video and help you tell your story.

How To Write A Video Script

How to write a video script

Choose A Structure

  • Promote an Idea – Create change and move your audience to action.
  • Tell What Happened – Share an adventure, success to celebrate, or just something that happened to you.
  • A Hero’s Journey – Tell how a regular person overcame a great challenge.
  • Show and Tell – Describe something important to you, and why it should matter to your audience.
  • Personal Growth – Share an experience that changed how you view the world.
  • Teach a Lesson – Help your audience learn a new idea and build understanding.

Now that you have chosen a structure, scroll down to read a suggested list of content and shape for your story.

Promote an Idea

  • Setting – Describe the world today. What’s the setting or context for your story? Or show who you’re helping.
  • Problem – What problem does the audience — or who you’re helping — struggle with today?
  • What Could Be – Describe a better world where this problem doesn’t exist.
  • Solution Or Idea – Share your idea or product and show how it will solve the problem.
  • Reward – How will the audience or subject’s life improve after your solution becomes a reality?
  • How You Can Help – What’s the first thing the audience should do to help make this positive change happen?
  • Outro – LOGO and contact details.

Tell What Happened

  • Who – Describe who or what your story will follow.
  • When And Where – Show the backdrop or setting for what happened.
  • This Happened – Describe the first thing that happened.
  • Then This Happened – Show the next moment in the sequence.
  • Then This Happened – Show the final action that occurred.
  • How It Ended – Describe the aftermath. How did things end up? Was there an unexpected twist?
  • Outro – LOGO and contact details.

A Hero’s Journey

  • Set Up – Tell us about the hero and their world before the quest begins.
  • Call To Adventure – What happens that causes the hero to undertake their quest?
  • Challenge – Show the trials or challenges that the hero encounters along the way.
  • Climax – Show how our hero finally overcomes the odds and accomplishes their goal.
  • Resolution – Tell us how the world is better now.
  • Outro – LOGO and contact details.
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Show and Tell

  • About Me – Introduce yourself. Make it personal to connect with your audience, or reinforce your credibility.
  • What It Is – Show your project or the thing you’re sharing. Highlight what’s interesting about it.
  • Why – Explain why you’re working on it or why you picked it to share. Why are you excited or passionate about it?
  • Show It – Show why it’s special. Or demonstrate how it can make the world, or your audience’s lives, better.
  • How – How did you get the idea, or how did you find it? Share its origin or history.
  • Why I’m Sharing It – Tell why you’re showing it to your audience. Reinforce why it’s relevant to them.
  • Call To Action – What’s the next thing your audience should do now? Or how could they help take your project to another level?
  • Outro – LOGO and contact details.

Personal Growth

  • Backdrop – Describe the setting. Where and when did it happen? Bring your audience there.
  • What I Was Doing – What were you doing? Why were you there?
  • Challenge – Tell your audience about the challenge, obstacle, or problem you faced.
  • Struggle – Talk about what made it difficult. Did anything make you question if you could do it?
  • Realization – What did you eventually realise as you confronted the challenge?
  • What Happened – Describe what happened in the end. Did you succeed or fail? Something else?
  • Lesson I Learned – How did the experience change you? What’s the takeaway lesson? Share it and connect it to your audience’s lives.
  • Outro – LOGO and contact details.

Teach a Lesson

  • Overview – What will you teach, and why is it interesting or relevant? How will people use what they learn?
  • Concept – Describe the concept you’re teaching.
  • Example – Give an example that your audience can relate to.
  • Explanation – Connect your example to the idea and explain how it applies.
  • You Try It – Share a scenario or example problem to let your audience apply what they’ve learned.
  • Summary – Summarize the key takeaway for your audience to remember.
  • Outro – LOGO and contact details.

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