Can we redesign the criminal justice system? Video documenting a service design workshop day hosted by Open Change in Dundee.

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Can we redesign the criminal justice system? Video documenting a service design workshop day hosted by Open Change in Dundee.

One thing that is wonderful about service design workshops at their best is the diverse mix of people who can share ideas, experiences and points of view around a shared issue. The mixture of disciplines present at this workshop  really seemed to help the participants free up their creativity and collaborate on a very rounded approach.

Open Change hired me to make this film. They are a service design company that work across organisations to develop leadership skills. Their clients include businesses, the education sector, healthcare organisations and government. This video documents a 2016 workshop whose aim was to question whether it might be possible to apply service design to redesign the criminal justice system.

What also strikes me is service design’s potential for allowing people normally stuck in the procedures of their position of employment to really free up their thinking and get back to placing the users of their service at the heart of matters. It also puts services users right in the same room as service providers and gives more opportunity for meaningful conversations and greater empathy.

Open Change aim to help build communities of leaders, front-line staff and customers to develop a shared vision for their organisations.

They deliver training, insights and service re-design support.


Author: Dylan Drummond
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